
arrivalWhat does the world do when several identical spaceships land around the world simultaneously? You try to figure out what they want. Amy Adams plays a linguist, whom the military calls in to figure out how to communicate with the aliens and understand why they are here.

Box Office Bottom Line: I liked this take on alien arrivals – not to assume it’s war (even if some characters do). While I did find it a bit confusing at the end, overall, I enjoyed it and its message.


lion-movie-poster-dev-patelThis remarkable film is based on a true story. An impoverished 5 year old Indian boy falls asleep on a decommissioned train that takes him thousands of miles away from his family & home. He survives on the dangerous streets of Calcutta for months before being adopted by an Australian couple. Twenty-five years later, using Google Earth and scant memories, he figures out where he is from and goes back to find his family.

Box Office Bottom Line: I was riveted by this film. It’s a story of tragedy and luck,  devastating and heartwarming. Beautifully acted and well-balanced. Highly recommended!

La La Land

La La Land posterA mostly charming Hollywood musical about a struggling actress and struggling jazz musician and their struggling relationship. I wished there was more dancing and that Ryan Gosling’s singing was better.

Box Office Bottom Line: It was entertaining, although it fell apart at the end for me. I think it’s getting award season notice because Hollywood loves movies about itself.



5000 passengers & over 200 crew are in hibernation on a 120 year voyage to populate a new planet. They are supposed to wake up 6 months before landing, but 2 wake up 80 years early. They have some serious ethical decisions to hash out, plus major problems to solve if everyone is to survive.

Box Office Bottom Line: I found it interesting enough, but I didn’t love it. However, it did prompt a lot of discussion among the group I saw it with. And, my 16 year old nephew loved it a lot.